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Moodle - Faculty QuickStart Guide: Choice

This faculty quickstart guide for getting started with Moodle includes information about course settings, adding resources, setting up and conducting activities, and user profiles.

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Moodle - Choice


  1. Locating a Choice
  2. Responding to a Choice
  3. Instructor Options

The Moodle Choice tool can be used for quick polls, registration, or other activities that require a quick response to a single question.

Locating a Choice

You can access Choices two ways.

Click on the Choice icon Choiceor name on your class page:

Click on the Choice icon in the list of activities:


You will then see a list of all the Choices for your class:

Choice List

Scroll down until you find the Choice you need. Click on the Choice name or icon to access that Choice.

Responding to a Choice

When you click on the Choice's name or icon, you will see the Choice:


The text or question will be at the top, with radio buttons below.  Select the appropriate option, then click on Save my choice.

If your instructor has made the results available, the page will refresh and you will see a table displaying the results so far.  The results may be anonymous:

Choice results

The results may also display the names of participants along with their choices:

Choice with names

If your instructor has not opted to make results immediately available, the page will refresh and you will see your choice displayed:

Choice No Results

Instructor Options


Creating a Choice

To create a choice, first Turn editing on

From the Add an activity drop-down menu in the appropriate week, select Choice.

Provide a name for your choice:

Choice name

The Choice text will be the instructions for those who are responding to the Choice:

Choice text

After giving a description for the Choice, you will be prompted to specify the response options:


Add the text of the choice in the text box.  Up to ten options are allowed.

Limit the number of responses allowed

If you wish to restrict the number of times an option can be selected, you can select Enable from the above menu.  Once you've selected Enable, go back and specify the number of times each choice can be selected using the Limit box.

Next, there are a variety of options that control the display and availability of this Choice:

Restrict access

Selecting the Restrict answering to this time period option allows you to set a specific time period for response to the Choice.  This can be useful if the Choice tool is used for signing up for a presentation date or project group, for example.  If you wish to set up a restricted period, check the box by this option, and then provide the Open and Until dates and times.

Display Mode

Display mode determines whether choices and results are displayed horizontally or vertically.
Publish results determines student access to Choice results.
If results are displayed to students, the Privacy of results field determines whether or not student names and data are included in the displayed results.

Allow choice to be updated
Allow choice to be updated determines whether or not the choice can be changed once created.
Show column for unanswered determines whether or not a column is displayed in the results to indicate the number of participants who have not responded.
Group mode allows you to control response and display by group, using groups set up in the Group menu.  Visible Groups or Separate Groups will use groups set up in from the Groups menu.  More information on Groups is available in the Groups portion of this guide.
The Visible option allows you to Show (or make available) or Hide (keep hidden) the new Choice.

Scroll to the bottom of the page, and click on Save changes.  The page will refresh to display your new Choice.

Viewing Responses

Once your students have responded to the Choice, you will see an indication in the upper right hand corner indicating the number of responses:

View x responses

Clicking on this link will take you to the students' responses:


If for some reason you need to clear out individual or multiple results, you can select individuals by clicking on the checkbox by their name and avatar image - you can also use the select options:


You can also export the results into two formats:

Export choice results