Google Scholar can be far more useful in locating scholarly resources than the default Google search. However, be aware that in most cases Google Scholar only provides a citation, not the full text of an article.
If you find a useful article through Google Scholar, use our "Finding Full Text Articles" guide to locate the full text of the article in one of our databases.
The following general databases are multidisciplinary and cover a broad range of subject areas. If you're not sure where to begin, we recommend one of these:
The following databases provide access to national and international newspapers:
Wardman Library provides access to a number of general, interdisciplinary, and subject-specific databases.
There are multiple ways to find scholarly peer-reviewed articles through our electronic resources.
1. dubSearch: Conduct a search for a topic of your choice. After seeing the results page, on the left, under Refine Results and Source Types, click Academic Journals. This will filter material from other sources such as books, periodicals, etc.
2. Databases A-Z: An alphabetized collection of our databases. On the top of the page, these can be searched by Subject, Database type, Vender, or by searching a word or phrase.
3. Journal Titles A-Z: Browse journals by discipline or via search.
4. Google Scholar: After conducting a search, look to the right to see if the article is available online.
5. Interlibrary Loan (ILL): If you cannot find a particular article, you can make an ILL request. After logging in and making the request, the article will be sent to your inbox. It typically takes around a week or less, depending on availability.