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Government Documents: Home

A guide to utilizing electronic government documents.

About government documents at Wardman Library


Wardman Library was a selective Federal Depository Library for 45 years, from 1963 to 2008, but de-accessioned the collection in 2010.  Because these physical documents no longer reside in the library, the purpose of this LibGuide is to help locate the many government publications that are now accessible online, including legislative hearings and findings, federal regulations, census records, statistics, court decisions, and agency reports.

In their book Using Government Publications: Electronic and Print (2001), Jean Sears and Marilyn Moody identify five government document search strategies: known item; subject; agency; statistical; and special techniques searches. This LibGuide is organized according to these five sorts of search strategies, delineating how to retrieve gov doc information depending on (1) the type of publication you need and (2) how much you know about your research question.

Mike Wilkins, Preamble (1987). Painted metal on vinyl and wood. On display in the Smithsonian Institution's National Museum of American Art.

Another great resource to government information resources, how to find them, and how they are organized is Government Information Essentials, edited by Susanne Caro.  
