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Government Documents: Special techniques searches

A guide to utilizing electronic government documents.

Special technique searches

How to find government documents in areas that require special research techniques.

"There are several areas within government publications that do not fit in with the basic subject, agency, or statistical search strategies. These areas require different strategies or procedures for uncovering information. Generally, these strategies do not rely heavinly on the basic government publication indexes, but rather on special indexes or materials available as part of the U.S. government collection or from commercial sources" (Sears and Moody, Using Government Publications: Electronic and Print, 419).

Fortunately, as Sears and Moody point out later, the Internet has made far more accessible many of the resources researchers require for special technique searching. This page comprises six of the main areas that Sears and Moody classify as requiring special techniques searches:

Budget Analysis

Historical Searches

Judicial Reports

Legislative History and Process

National Archives and Records Administration

