Department Goals
The mission of Media and Academic Technology Services is to provide instructional and multimedia technology for creative instructional support for the faculty, staff, and students of Whittier College.
To creatively meet the technological needs of instructors and assist them in presenting modern types of learning materials to their students using innovative forms of media.
To facilitate the instruction of difficult concepts through the use of visual and audio images and simulation, thereby increasing the efficiency of learning.
To provide, maintain, and acquire, as technology reasonably dictates, audio-visual equipment as instructional support for the college campus.
To provide service for the production of instructional materials and duplication of media material in compliance with licensing agreements and current copyright regulations.
To provide, maintain, and develop a collection of media materials to support academic curriculum.
Production Policies
Production services available to faculty and staff include and are qualified as follows:
(1) Duplication of video tapes which can be legally copied according to written licensing agreements or copyright permission and which are related to the student's current academic study.
(2) Most media materials in the collection are available to students for use outside the library.
Collection Development Policy for Media; DVD and Streaming Media
The Wardman Library collection development policy articulates the criteria by which videos are selected for the Media Collection. If you have questions or would like to make a recommendation, please contact the librarians at Wardman Library.
Funds for purchasing media such as DVDs is limited and we attempt to accommodate requests for documentary, educational, performances, performance art, classic and popular feature films. Feature films are purchased upon the request of an instructor to support classroom instruction, for research and leisure viewing.
DVD media may be checked out by Whittier College faculty, staff and students only. Wardman Library or Media Services does not extend production services or borrowing privileges for loaning media materials or audio/visual equipment to students or faculty from other colleges or high schools.
Most material in the Media Collection is purchased for educational use. Copyright laws protect Media Collection materials. For more information see the Fair Use Guidelines for Educational Multimedia as decribed by the Consortium of College and University Media Centers (CCUMC) which discusses conditions that generally apply and give examples of when permission is required. Fair Use guidelines are also described through the U.S. Copyright Office.
Media Services can copy digital works and digitize analog works as permitted by Section 110(2) of the TEACH Act which gives authority to make copies so long as:
1. Such copies are retained only by the institution and used only for the activities authorized by Section 110; and
2. For digitizing analog works, no digital version of the work is available free from technological protections that would prevent the uses authorized in Section 110.
For more information on the TEACH Act click here.