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Moodle - Student QuickStart Guide: Assignments

A quickstart guide for students using Moodle

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Student Guide to Assignments



  1. Finding your assignments
  2. Assignment types
  3. Turning in your assignment
  4. Other information

Moodle includes an assignment tool that allows instructors to set up assignments that can be turned in both online and offline. A due date can be specified, which is then displayed on the class calendar. Reminders are also provided for upcoming due dates. The following is basic information on using the assignment tool as a student.

Finding your assignments

You can access assignments two ways.

Click on the assignment icon assignment icon or name on your class page:


Click on the assignment icon in the list of activities:


You will then see a list of all the assignments for your class:

assignment list

Scroll down until you find the assignment you need. Click on the assignment name or icon.

Assignment types

There are four types of assignments in Moodle:

  1. In an Offline assignment, the instructor will give directions, and the student will complete the assignment.  Nothing is turned in through the assignment tool, though the student may be expected to do an activity within Moodle.
  2. In an Online Text assignment, the instructor will give directions, and the student will respond in an online text box provided in the assignment tool.
  3. In an Upload a Single File assignment, the instructor will give directions, and the student will upload their file through the Moodle assignment tool.
  4. In an Advanced Uploading of Files assignment, the instructor will give directions, and the student will upload multiple files through the Moodle assignment tool.
Here is a sample assignment:

sample assignment

All assignments will contain a few basic components:

  1. Assignment description and expectations
  2. Available date, indicating when students can begin the assignment
  3. Due date, indicating when students must complete the assignment

Turning in your assignment

Offline assignments, as mentioned above, are completed following the instructors' directions.  These directions may involve doing activities online, including through Moodle.

Online text assignments are completed by submitting text through the text box provided in the assignment.  If you have not submitted your assignment, you will see a prompt to edit your submission:

edit your submission

Clicking on Edit my submission will display a rich-text editor, through which you can compose and submit your assignment.  You can also copy and paste your assignment from another document.

submit online text

Click on Save changes to turn in your assignment.

Upload a single file or Advanced uploading of files assignments are turned in by uploading a file to Moodle. In this sample, the assignment is a paper that, once completed, needs to be uploaded to the instructor via Moodle:

sample assignment

Click on "Browse", locate the file on your computer, and click on "Open". The file location should be filled into the box. Click on "Upload this file."


Once this is complete, you will receive confirmation that you have successfully submitted your file.  If you are uploading multiple files, after uploading the first file, you will be able to upload additional files, up to the limit set by your instructor.  Your instructor will receive notification that you have turned in your assignment.

Pat yourself on the back for turning in your homework on time. Good for you.  

If you navigate away from the assignment and want to make sure you actually turned your homework in, you can do this by going back to the assignment. The filename of your submitted file will be displayed in the center of the page.

file confirm

Other information

  • If, after uploading your file, you realize that you've uploaded the wrong one, you may be able to resubmit your file.  If so, just repeat the process above. You will receive confirmation that your previous file has been deleted and that your new file has been submitted. Your instructor will be able to see when the file was last modified.
  • Please make sure to keep a copy of your file after you upload it. While not required, it might be a good idea to upload your file(s) to your H: drive space just in case!
  • If your instructor is using Moodle's gradebook, your grade will be automatically entered into the gradebook, and you should be able to see it by clicking on "Grades" in the Administration box.  You can also see your grade and the instructor's comments from the actual assignment.